Self-Editing: 10 things to look out for when self-editing your manuscript

Editing can be a huge investment – in both time and money – especially for the new author who is yet to make anything from their writing. It can also be a risk, particularly if you pass your manuscript to an editor too soon. If there are things you can fix before you hand your […]
‘As You Know Bob’ – how to spot and avoid exposition and the dreaded info dump

I recently discovered the term ‘As you know Bob.’ I loved it instantly because the terminology made me giggle, and the meaning levelled up my writing – almost immediately. Put simply, ‘As you know Bob’ is where two characters have a conversation about something which, in real life, they would never need to talk about […]
Demystifying Editing – What type of editing do you need?

So, you’ve just finished your manuscript. It’s been to a couple of friends or beta readers and you’ve completed at least one self edit. Soon, you hope to publish your writing and share it with the world. But before you do, you’ll want to work with a professional editor. Editing is a subjective business and […]